Thursday, May 7, 2015

What The Test Doesn’t Tell Me


Tests are such a complicated aspect of teaching. They definitely have their benefits, but they can be far more harmful than helpful if not approached correctly.

Originally posted on teach from the heart:

I’m not a fan of standardized testing, especially not the barrage of tests we throw at kids these days.

Tests that take time away from real learning.

Tests that may or may not cover what has been taught in class.

Tests that teachers are not allowed to look at.

Tests that students are often told not to share anything about.

Tests scored by non-educators earning $10 an hour.

Tests whose results come months later with a score and no feedback.

As a parent, I don’t need those test scores to tell me how my kids are doing. You see, I talk to my them about what they are learning. I look at the feedback on their assignments. I read the comments on their report cards, and I count on the teachers to share relevant information with me during conferences.

S is an 8th grader, and when she recently brought home her…

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