Thursday, May 7, 2015

How Teachers Have Impacted my Life #ThankaTeacher #EdBlogaDay

Originally posted on reflectinginspiration:


I imagine that  every person who chose education as a career has a teacher in the past who was a positive influence. I’ve written about favorite teachers before, but as I sit here contemplating those individuals, again, I can’t narrow it down to one.  In elementary school, Barb Ihnen was my third and fourth-grade teacher.  We adored her.  She made her classroom and learning fun.  It was even differentiated back then (though I didn’t know that term), and some was self-paced.  I was so excited when I found out she was changing positions and would be my fourth grade teacher, as well.  Just this past fall, I was blessed to work with Barb again, this time with her as my mentor in my principal’s licensing program.  She is still an innovative and outstanding educator, now as a principal in an elementary school.

In junior high, I was in an advanced…

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