Thursday, May 7, 2015

Hipsters and creative homework

Originally posted on Order No Rainbows:

It’s been a while since I posted anything about teaching my kids class – the kids are pretty fluent already and are not hugely keen on learning in a structured or formal way. Which made my recent attempts to teach them some grammar pretty challenging. So we did a deal – if they speak well in class we don’t have to do grammar in the lessons, but if I notice any recurring errors I will bring some grammar exercises.

So it’s back to teaching slightly chaotically and trying to keep them interested and giving feedback on what they’re taking in. Which can be funny, especially with 10/11 year old boys, who have a tendency to incorporate fart jokes into almost every lesson, no matter what it’s about.

Anyway I recently discovered some wonderful books by Keri Smith, especially How to be an Explorer of the World which I’m currently…

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