Thursday, May 7, 2015

Language and Standardized Testing

Originally posted on Talking With My Hands:


We are now deep into the second swing of standardized testing. In my state, we use the MAP, PASS, ACT Aspire, and state End of Course assessments. We also have ACCESS for our English Language Learners.

This year has been full of changes as both ACCESS and ACT Aspire were brand new to us. ACCESS replaced ELDA, and ACT Aspire replaced the reading, writing, language and math subcategories of our PASS tests. Has it ever been an adjustment getting IEPs and everything in order in time! Especially since the ACT Aspire test was still making procedural changes up until 1 week before they required all documentation to be done (and 2 days AFTER our school required that data to be submitted!).

The change to ACT Aspire for all our ELA and math assessments led me to rethink how I prep my students for standardized tests. Do you do test prep at all…

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