Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Teaching Excellence for the Classroom and Life

Originally posted on Kevin's Politic's Blog:

Recently I jotted down some notes from a conversation I had on what it will take for the nation’s schools to be more successful, these are a few of the ideas that I would use to shape the public educational system here in the U.S.

  • Charter Schools, Vouchers, and teacher performance evaluations are must haves.
  • The funding for NCLB needs to be there an order for schools to succeed
  • All schools are not created equally.
  • Vouchers are part of the solution but not the whole solution.
  • Every school, indeed every classroom has a different perception of what the best way to educate the future looks like, this should be encouraged.
  • Testing should be dynamic and not one dimensional.
  • Testing shouldn’t be martial, that is to say the idea of testing should feel natural to the students and teacher alike, while still measuring aptitude.
  • Out of classroom life experience should count…

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