Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Volunteering: An Overlooked Alternative to College Internships

Originally posted on The Rising Professional Blog:

With coursework, jobs, school activities and social commitments, many students are finding it increasingly difficult to complete multiple internships during college. The good news is that many volunteer opportunities provide a great alternative way to acquire important skills, build your portfolio and strategically position yourself for professional growth.

Here are just some reasons why volunteering is a solid alternative to internships:

  • Volunteering gives you an opportunity to contribute your unique skills to an actual organization while enhancing your portfolio. As a volunteer, your role may be diverse and can include anything from providing creative assistance to projects and designing marketing materials to organizing events and bookkeeping. Often times, you can tailor your volunteer experience to fit your specific background and skillset. Organizations are usually very accommodating and willing to let volunteers take on responsibilities that fit their individual interests.

  • You will be exposed to new workplace environments and inevitably learn…

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