Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Here Comes The Rest Of The World

Originally posted on Education Stormfront:

There is a very strong push right now by tech companies to bring the developing world onto the Internet. This is driven by two factors. 1. In the developed world, growth of Internet users is slowing. Therefore companies are looking to get new customers. 2. The technology to bring remote areas online is getting cheaper and easier to do.

With this in mind here are two related stories.

H/T Mashable

Facebook told a few members of the press this week that its initiative, which aims get more of the world’s population online, is on track for an aggressive expansion.

Chris Daniels, VP of at Facebook, said the company plans to expand into 100 countries by the end of the year. The program is currently set up in six countries — Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Colombia and India — and has helped more than 7 million people access health…

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