Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Media Strategy 101

Every organization, no matter their size or who they’re reaching, should develop a social media strategy.  This doesn’t necessarily mean well-built Facebook pages or smart tweets, but rather unified messages, timely goals, and regular updates.  I just read an article online sharing some general guidelines on a powerful digital media strategy, and I thought I’d share some of them with you:

Identify a purpose: Every media strategy needs to be rooted in a specific message and sense of purpose.  If you don’t know why you’re calling people to action in the first place, then nobody will pay attention.  Your campaign should be rooted in both who you’re trying to serve and who can help you serve them.  A scattered and unclear strategy will accomplish nothing.  

Tell a story: All marketers tell stories.  Not only are they interesting and give your brand a unique look, but they also help people remember you.  Your strategy should be guided by the basic principles of storytelling: identify characters, why you’re taking time to tell this story, what you can do to get people to care, and what makes your story unique.  

Do your homework: Before launching any campaign, know your facts.  Communicate with news sources you know will be interested, and treat them respectfully.  Review social media networks and relevant publications to see what everybody’s saying about your organization, who it serves, and what people are thinking about.  To make sure your approach sounds unique and purposeful, look at the strategies of other organizations.  

Develop relationships: By building meaningful relationships with people in your community, you’re able to propel your digital strategy beyond shouting out into the void.  Get to know the big names in your field, follow them on social media, and share and like their posts where appropriate.  Make yourself available and visible to them.  

Stay relevant: The message of your organization should naturally attract whoever it is that you’re trying to serve.  Look through social media to make sure your images and quotes are relevant, not just to your message, but also to your target demographic.  Stay up to date on your niche, and post things relevant.

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