Friday, August 29, 2014

College Sexual Assaults Are Finally Being Taken Seriously.

Marilyn Gardner Milton’s Latest Blog Post

There’s no denying that one of the largest failings of our entire educational system in the recent years has been the failure to enforce punishment against sexual crimes and the complete lack of care and understand for the victims who are usually forced to continue to go to school with their attacker. While this lack of any attempt to actually punish the perpetrators has been known to victims and advocates for years, it has only recently surfaced in the eyes and minds of the public, thanks to a series of scathing reports from both victims and journalists that point out how most higher educational institutes are more concerned with protecting reputations and alumni donations than the students they claim to care for.

The government has finally taken notice of the massive failings amongst these institutions and is now taking action. In a rare show of working together, a bipartisan group of congressmen and women are pushing for legislation that will punish offenders as well as punish schools for not taking the proper action against offenders. By using a combination of fines and reducing educational grants and federal money, the government plans to make colleges and universities more accountable for mishandling cases that deal with sexual crimes of any nature. Due to the massive failing in terms of both punishing attackers and supporting victims, many universities are most likely going to fight against these laws so that they can maintain their status. That being said, it’s good news for everyone, especially victims, that the government has taken notice and is involving itself.

If you’d like the read more, the link is here.

from Marilyn Gardner Milton and Education

from WordPress

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